FLPD Forms

Below you will find forms commonly used. Please note that FLPD Forms reporting any incident as well as statement sheets are not official records without an Officer's signature and FLPD case number. 


State of NJ DMV Temporary Placard Application:

After your Doctor signs the application, return it with two checks: One for $3.00 payable to the Borough of Fair Lawn and one for $4.00 payable to the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission. Return to Police Chief's Secretary Cathy Bozza, 201-794-5405. 

Hardship Parking Application:

Please print the form & fill it out before bringing it to the Police Records window.

Alarm registrations:

Use this single form for homeowner, business, or religious facilities. Completed forms may be emailed to: ggraziano@fairlawnpd.com or faxed to 201-703-4267. 

Citizen Reports:

  • FLPD Citizens Report: To be used for storm damage, neighbor issues, or to document minor incidents which can be officially entered into the record at Police HQ at a later time.
  • State of NJ SR-1 Motor Vehicle Accident Report: To be used for motor vehicle crashes or for hit & run motor vehicle crashes with minor damage where the Police were not summoned to the scene to investigate the crash. This form gets mailed directly to the State, follow the directions on the form. 

Statement Sheet:

Victim Property Loss Form:

  • FLPD Victim Property Loss Form: To be filled out for victims of a theft or burglary or other crime where property is taken. Can be emailed to the Officer taking your report.